
Welcome to the community page for your waste water treatment project with Regional Utility Service Systems (RUSS). RUSS will be updating this page regularly in an effort to keep you up-to-date on the progress of the planning, funding and construction phases of the treatment systems in your community.

The process of planning and implementing a project can span 3-5 years (occasionally longer), so we hope this website will help keep you update on meetings, activities and decisions that affect the system development and implementation. RUSS wants to improve our communication with communities, so we hope that this is a good first step.

RUSS also wants you to know that if you have specific questions about your project you are welcome to contact Bruce Hudson, Executive Director by emailing or by calling the RUSS office 319-385-1223.

July 2012 UPDATE:

RUSS has procured Fairfield based French Reneker to provide engineering services for your project.
RUSS is working with Des Moines County supervisors on getting a 28E agreement signed.